Thursday, November 8, 2012

Written and illustrated by Carter

Carter has always been a great story teller and comes up with the most elaborate things. Lately he has also been into drawing so it was, naturally, just a matter of time before he put the 2 together. He decided to make a book and here is his creation. He had minimal help from us. Dave wrote Easter Bunny the first time and helped him spell going. Not bad for a 4 1/2 year old!

"Do you love going to the Easter Bunny?" (Notice everyone with their baskets lined up to get eggs)

"I love going to the Easter Bunny." (He ran out of room and wasn't sure what to do so he started writing backwards.)
 A 2 page book is not bad at his age. I've decided to start teaching him sentence structure since that seems like the next thing he will need to know. Capitalization, punctuation and spacing. Seems weird that he's not even in Kindergarten yet, but it's not like I'm pushing him to do something he doesn't want to. I am helping him with things he is interested in. Am I one of those moms???

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