My Mom, Step dad and Grandma got here Thursday night and we were all so excited to see them! Yesterday was a fun busy day!
Pictured below is the truck my parents brought Carter in addition to the outfit they brought, the 2 pairs of church shoes they got him and the Trader Joe's care package they brought us (cat cookies, gluten free beef jerky, goat cheese, tepanade, gluten free macaroni and cheese and gluten free brownie mix plus Casper dogs from Costco) and G.G. brought Carter a fun train with shapes, 2 puzzles and a fun ball. Needless to say he has been spoiled rotten!
My parents took us out to dinner at P.F. Changs last night and Carter was the little drummer boy with his chopsticks!
He's learning to eat like a big boy!
Grandma and Grandpa Anderson
Four generations
We had a big family get together at my Aunt Cathy's house with about 50 of my relatives. Carter decided to be shy and play by himself. He had fun in their castle. After his cousin Lily (who is exactly a month older than him) shared her popsicle with him he warmed up to the idea of playing with the other kids. Sorry, no pictures of that.
Carter was so pooped he fell asleep on the way home
So we put him to bed and played a couple games of horse with John and Noelle. You can tell from the picture below that Noelle went before Dave and made her shot!