Hey Hermana Amiga,
First off, Jude LOVED the stamp so thanks! Carter kept saying your card was his computer which was pretty funny. I hope you liked your surprise and also your Valentine from Carter. He was so excited to send it to you. So now let me think back to the events of this week…
Ah yes, lots of kiddo cuteness. We had a good Valentines and the boys loved their presents. Jude of course got a talking Woody doll and Carter got some Lego guys and “The Brick Bible” which is the Old Testament done in Legos. It is super awesome but quite graphic. There’s a lot of violence and prostituting in the Bible… What can I say? We let Jude take Woody to his cousins’ house that day and he broke so that night we had to return him and get a new one. He was so sad when his leg broke off but the look on his face when we replaced it was worth the trouble. That night after putting the kids to bed Dave and I built card houses and watched TV. Low key, but nice. I actually hate going out on Valentine’s because it’s always so busy and I’m not good in big groups of people. Plus finding a babysitter is a nightmare on Valentine’s day.
In other news, you will be happy to know that Carter says he now loves me more that Dave. That is quite a leap forward for me since he is always very vocal about our rankings. I hate to admit that it may have a lot to do with the fact that I brought home Star Wars underwear for him from Costco but I do what I have to. Still no word from the school but we should hear this week. I found out last week that they had over 800 applications for only 350 spots!!! Luckily I know we are about 250 in line so hopefully all the other kinder moms are slackers. Carter has been doing a really good job of reading and reads a book every night with little to no help. He wants to start Matilda after seeing the movie so we will have to take a trip to the library. We have gotten in a really good rhythm with our bedtime routine with Carter. We’ve been reading from the Brick Bible and reading a BOM scripture mastery each night and explaining it. I figure reading important scriptures and understanding them is better than trying to get through the whole BOM word for word with my 4 year old and not have him understand it at all. He seems to really be getting it. Joy sent his picture to the friend with his certificate for memorizing all 13 articles of faith so we are hoping he will be in the magazine. That would be so cool. I signed Carter up for T-ball which starts in April after soccer is over. He is getting a lot better at soccer each week and definitely isn’t afraid to get in there which is the most surprising part.
Jude is in a monkey see monkey do phase and likes to copy faces that people make at him. He is still in his hat phase and loves to play with Dave’s hats. He is now really into boxes and likes to sit in them with his toys. What a boy. One of his favorite things to do is act like a doggy and crawl around the house barking. It’s really cute and Carter likes to join him so I end up with the 2 cutest doggies ever. Jude has been randomly signing the song Hey Jude which is funny. The na na’s are probably my favorite part that he sings. I really think he will be the musical one in the family. Fingers crossed!!! He is growing up quick and is starting to say more phrases like “This way” or “that one” and uses words like thirsty and hungry which is super helpful. Too bad all he ever wants is pirate booty and fruit snacks and goes into hulk mode if we refuse him. He loves to say Amen super loud even at church which I don’t really mind because it’s cute. Luckily both boys have been pretty healthy lately and that makes me a happy mommy!!
I’m feeling a lot better and am actually able to exercise and lift Jude now which makes life so much easier for everyone. I offered to make the costumes for my friend’s theater class’ production of Suessical which I am excited about. I’ve already started working on bird tutus and I have to make monkey vests and kangaroo ears and all that. Should be fun! I can’t remember if I already told you this but Dave is going to Chicago in April to go to a National planning convention which he is super excited about. I invited Nancy to come keep me company while he is gone so I am hoping she can. That would be super fun.
I am sorry to hear that your investigators have gone away but you planted the seed and there will be many more opportunities. Everything you do out there could help someone. You just never know. Be diligent and keep your spirits up. The Lord loves you and will give you opportunities to reach people that are currently being prepared. You are being prepared to teach them. Know that we pray for you constantly and know you are making a difference. Even on the days you feel like no one out there cares, you are making a difference. Carter is excited about missionaries and cannot wait until he can go out and teach people like Auntie Nanny Hailey does. If nothing else you are a great example of faith. Keep it up and you will be blessed. I love you and miss you lots! Thanks for being awesome.
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