Alright, I know girls always say they have the best husband ever but I really do. I'll prove it. I've decided to start a new "segment" on my blog where I randomly list things that make my husband the best ever and I encourage all my friends to do the same. Putting it down on "paper" seems to make you think of all the fantastic things he does! Even though he probably won't read it ever, here goes.
- He gives me pedicures
- He is going to school to make a better life for our family
- He gets up with Carter EVERY morning so I can sleep (sometimes as early as 4am)
- He works at night so he can be home with Carter while I work
- He lets me skip his shows if there are 2 things I want to record at the same time
- He makes dinner on nights he has to work so it will be ready when I get home and we can eat together as a family
- He wears t shirts he got for free at ceramic tile center rather than complaining that he needs new clothes
- He runs me a bath anytime I am sick or have any ache or pain
- He sits in the bathroom while I take a bath so I don't fall asleep in the tub (it's happened...)
- He uses some of his free rentals to get me girly movies like the back-up plan, leap year and when in Rome and then watches them with me
- He doesn't complain when he has to rent the same girly movie over and over because I am too lazy to put a movie in the DVD player and would just rather watch TV
- He watches I Carly
- He pretends to be interested in my recap of the previous night's episode of the bachelorette
- He NEVER tells me when he thinks other girls are hot
- He doesn't get jealous when I drool over Gene Kelley or Hugh Jackman
- He does the dishes
- He does the laundry
- He deep cleans the entire house before my family arrives from out of town
- He sings
- He doesn't tell me if the food I make tastes bad
- He puts up with my compulsive planning
- He's a great dad
- He immediately jumps up to get me water if he hears me hiccup
- He doesn't get mad at me for waking him up when I have a bad dream
- He is filling our house with beautiful art
- He realizes that I only argue if I know I'm right
- He makes the world's best mac and cheese (from the box)
- He sends me pictures of Carter throughout the day to cheer me up
- He changes most of the poopy diapers
- He tells me he loves me before we hang up the phone every time
- He gets the CDs I want from the library
- He has been known to sing along with David Bowie
- He's smart and very enthusiastic about school
- He is always willing to babysit for friends and family
- He takes Carter to the library and helps him pick out fun books
- He reminds me to take it easy even when there is so much to get done
- He prints pictures for me when I ask him to
- He put 2 grey undershirts in my suitcase for California because I mentioned that I needed to find one (even though I meant that I was wearing it on the plane)
- He takes Carter's temperature 20 times a day if I think he might be getting sick
- He talks to Jude
- He gets so proud every time he gets the car washed
- He can clasp my favorite necklace even with his big man hands
- He cuts Carter's nails
- He smells good (when he wants to)
- He likes So You Think You Can Dance
- He sneaks a peek at sport scores on his I pod rather than asking me to change the channel
- He is sensitive to my worrying gene
- He glues the heads back on my willow tree statues when one of us knocks one over
- He checks his pockets before putting his pants in the washer
- He wants to make me happy and he really does
Ok, so that is just a few for today. Hopefully I have inspired others to do this too and hopefully I remember to do this every so often. Like I said I don't think he'll even read it but that's ok.