Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Depth Perception

It all started on Sunday, when I ran into Karen's arm over the pew with my stomach. Since then, I have been crashing and banging Carter into everything. Maybe it is the 6 pounds I gained in the past 2 weeks; maybe it is the dozen cupcakes I ate; or maybe I'm just huge! The jury is still out.


megan said...

brook, i don't understand where all this weight is going, because you look SO GOOD!!

then again, this picture doesn't include your ankles, and from the last blog, i hear that those are pretty swollen :(

just kidding of course. you know it's gotta be the kid that's gaining all the weight!!

when i come in may, i CANT WAIT to see him!!!!

ROAST said...

Are you guys going to come to the mission reunion?

Anonymous said...

You are so not HUGE? Just cute and pregnant. It does get hard to see over that pregnant belly though.

Jeff n' Rachelle said...

You are huge. Love Grandma.