Saturday, March 29, 2008

The perks of insomnia

Right now as my darling husband snores and slumbers away I sit awake. I'm not at all surprised by this as I haven't really slept for weeks, but tonight is different. Usually if I lay my head down at 8PM I can fall asleep by midnight and then wake up around 2am, fall back asleep about 5am, wake up to the alarm at 6am and then fall right back asleep until 9am. Tonight, however, I not only couldn't sleep, but I got bored laying in bed so I got up and completed my last 32 thank you cards. I tried laying down to sleep after that, but I was still not able to and bored so I decided to hop on the computer. I'm thinking of paying a few bills and then searching Craigslist for a while until I get sleepy enough to go to bed or Dave wakes up. We'll see. Too bad I can't vacuum and do a couple loads of laundry... I'm really going to regret this whole not sleeping thing tomorrow. Oh well.

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