Yesterday Carter was being very curious and asking what many different words meant. I can't remember all of them but here are a few:
Dave: "Carter that is really annoying."
Carter: "What does annoying mean?"
Dave: "It means you're bugging me."
Brook: "I hear a rumble in your tummy."
Carter: "What does rumble mean?"
Brook: "It's a loud noise like a growl."
Carter: "Will it wake up Jude?"
Brook: "No, it's not
that loud."
Carter: "I don't hear it!"
Dave: "That's an interesting maneuver."
Carter: "What does maneuver mean?"
Dave: "It means to control something. See I'm maneuvering your arms."
and my favorite... While changing into his pajamas and putting new underwear on:
Carter: "Mom, what are these?"
Brook: "Those are testicles."
Carter: "What does testicles mean?"
Brook: "Ask your dad."
Carter: "Dad, what does testicles mean?"
Dave: "Boys have testicles. They are part of your private parts."
Brook: "You'll need them when you get older."
Carter: "Are they fragile?"
Dave: "They can be."
Carter: "What does fragile mean again?"
Dave: "It means it breaks easily."
Carter: "Do testicles break easily?"
Dave: "If you play with them too much they can break."
During the fragile/testicle conversation. Glad I caught this on film. |