Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me"

Sorry folks I needed a good old daily affirmation today! My work brought in a fitness consultant today (Oh ya, you all know where this is going...) and I decided that since I don't know how to lose the Carter weight and I only have 2 more months until I can no longer blame it on him I should go and see what she had to say. BLAH. I know I'm out of shape but did she have to tell me I was her "special project"? She made me feel SO awful! Almost everything fell under the "needs improvement" category except my EXCELLENT bicep strength which I can blame on Carter! Anyway, she really did help and showed me what stretches and workouts to do on ALL of my breaks and lunches (they have a gym on site!!!)
This morning I told Kaisa I was very serious about getting in shape and she gave me this free calorie counter website that Dave and I tried out today. We LOVE it! It is totally great to know what you are eating and more importantly what you are supposed to be eating. I recommend this to EVERYONE!! Try it out and let us know what you think!

1 comment:

Jeff n' Rachelle said...

Good for you! You'll have more energy and you'll feel great. Confession: I work out with Total Body Fitness on the BYU channel whenever I'm at home at 10am. My calves are killin' me!