Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This morning started off with Carter's doctor appointment. He got the second half of his flu shot and we talked to the doctor about switching his medicine. He told us to start using Prevacid (in addition to the Reglan and instead of the Zantac) and asked if we had good prescription coverage. We don't, so we told him no and he gave us a bunch of samples and told us to email him when we needed more.
Carter's cool metallic band-aid.

After the appointment Scarlett came over and Dave and I took the babies to Ikea. It was fun having 2 kids and they were both very good. Only 1 person asked their ages probably noticing that they are only 5 months apart. The kids fell asleep on the way home and wouldn't nap once we got here so we all got back in the car did some errands and drove around until Stacey got off work. Of course they both fell asleep in the car.

Dave kept giving Scarlett sips from his water bottle and when he gave her the bottle to play with this is what happened:

So tired!

Why we were able to just drive around:

1 comment:

Raphelle said...

That is such a sweet band aid. I want one. Sounds like you have a great pediatrician! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I think you are the only one who reads it anymore...