After a good couple of months, I finally got a much needed haircut. But that is not the noteworthy part...Brook was the one with the clippers in her hand. As you can tell by the photo, I'm well pleased with the result. I guess she is a natural.
Later that evening, I got to show off my new look at the wedding reception for Becca "Davis" and her new hubbie. It was held at the Santa Rosa Country Club, featuring a nice reception hall and good food. Becca is yet another one of Brook's friends from her young women's group that has gotten married recently, or is about to. It was much fun!
Saturday was "Girls Nite", involving chick flicks and face masks. We ate tuna melts and pasta salad, watched "Bridget Jones' Diary" and "A Cinderella Story", and applied Mary Kay products to our facial area. The sad part was that I had to show Brook how to put the face mask on (i learned on the mission, part of the beautification process). If you ask me, it takes a real mann to enjoy this kind of activity!
This is what I call the "I hate computers, but I want mine back now!" face. Here I am talking to my computer guru Jim Jones about the "patient". At first, he said we might have to back up all our files onto DVDs and start with a clean slate. After tinkering around, he called back with better news that didn't require the original plan, but instead involved us simply reinstalling our Internet provider software (a much easier process). My face then changed to the "Computers are man's best friend" face and all was right with the world.
As for the event that was not documented with pictures, Brook's doctors appointment went very well. We are going to begin the process of IUI ("artificial insemination") in a month and it looks very encouraging. Brook was worried that her gluten allergies would prevent us from going through with IUI for a while, but her doctor said she had never read anything that confirmed what Brook read about high gluten levels causing miscarriages. So instead of Brook getting blood work done to check her levels, I get to have blood work done to check for STD's (according to state law concerning IUI). YEA! It's a good thing that all this is worth the end result.
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